Tuesday, May 07, 2013

And So The Conversation Begins ...

Yaaya was founded out of a social necessity for black girls and women in 21st century Europe to share their own personal stories. These are real-life stories of game-changing triumphs, determined endeavours, and the highs and lows of unexpected self-discoveries.

There are monologues of concern about the lack of recognition of black female icons and leaders (not the lack of black female role models), and the oversimplification of a population of black females to a point where they become socially invisible. It is time for all of us to help bring together these individual discussion threads.

Today, everyone is being invited to come and sit at the table: to challenge,and transform perceptions by discussing the achievements, aspirations, ambitions of black girls and women in Europe; to delve deeper into a constructive dialogue where issues of negative stereotyping and social invisibility can be addressed collectively.

And so the conversation begins …

To quote Shakespeare, “What’s in a name?”
(smiles) We thought you might ask that. Yaaya is derived from the Ghanaian name “Yaa” - pronounced “Yah”. It is the name of a woman or girl of the Ashanti ethnic group, who is born on Thursday. It is also the name of one of Africa’s fiercest female warriors called Yaa Asantewaa. She was Queen Mother of Ejisu in the Ashanti Empire, and famously led the Ashanti rebellion known as “The War of the Golden Stool” against British colonialism in 1900.
So is Yaaya the modern day “Yaa Asantewaa”?
Well, it is often said that your name births the qualities of your character. For us, Yaa Asantewaa personifies Yaaya. She represents a strong and supportive, fierce and fearless, confident and courageous woman who boldly addressed injustice and led a nation to reclaim its identity. We, the Founders, hope that Yaaya will give influence and a voice to black girls and women in Europe.
A voice?
Yes, a voice to call together a community to help each other raise aspirations, confidence, and mentor ambitions in a positive way. For us, we want talk to motivate action … and action to motivate more talk. (Reflective pause). We want to create a forum in Europe for black females from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and experiences to talk about their everyday realities. Then from here, help build strong interconnected networks and support systems. Everyone believing in the need for such an initiative is definitely encouraged to participate!
Are these black girls and women you mention who you collectively refer to as “those” in your motto?
Yes. And No. So yes, “Those who have, those who are, and those who will” is intended to speak to our belief in black girls and women of the past, present and future generations to inspire, aspire and be catalysts for social change. But as mentioned before, this initiative requires a community to affect the effect we want and need. Our motto also speaks to those who have supported, are supporting and hopefully will support the social visibility and the recognition of positive images of black girls and women.
The stories that will be told – are they just about black girls and women sharing their career successes, or are they more than that?
Human beings are complex. If Yaaya was only focusing on career successes, we’d be telling one story. Apart from that one story being incomplete and inaccurate, it’s dangerous.
Ah – as Chimamanda Adichie’s explained in “The Danger of a Single Story”.
Exactly! We want to help tell and in turn help shape as many stories as possible. To tell only one side would be oversimplifying a person’s identity, struggles and triumphs. That’s how perceptions of a people become … “blurred”, and that’s how people become socially invisible. Attained success is as good a life lesson as unattained success - everyone’s path in life is different and is definitely a journey we can all learn and find motivation from.
I see. So I guess for me, Yaaya represents … a platform to inspire ambition and celebrate achievement; to foster dialogue and tackle issues of social invisibility of black girls and women; and to promote fairer and positive images of black girls and women.
That was very nicely put; those are our principles.


  1. This is amazing! I've been looking for a blog/website that focuses on issues of black women in Europe, as I find that they are so few and far between. I can't wait to read inspiring interviews, and find out more about you guys!

    1. I'm glad that Yaaya has been able to cater for something that you have been searching for! We also can't wait to share with you and others interviews from the women we have spoken to, and also the conversations we hope to create!


  2. La Touche Francaise5 May 2013 at 13:35

    The presentation layout of the blog is very professional. Its content is really attractive and engaging.This blog is here to stay and shake some African mind. I am mouth watering to read more about Black African Women success.The most challenging part is yet to come, therefore you guys be steadfast.
    A really Well Done to all of You today, You are all celebrated

    1. La Touche Francaise,

      It's really warming to hear such feedback! Thank you very much. Presentation is important to Yaaya, and we understand that in order to engage people, you have to not only have engaging content, but an aesthetically pleasing style.

      We hope to hear more from you!


  3. And you pulled it off!

    Thumbs up to you guys for this blog and the wonderful work of the very talented Team Yaaya.

    I'm delightedly tuned to the conversation!

    1. Yes we have David! Thank you very much for your kind words. We are pleased that you are "delightedly tuned into the conversation" :)


  4. This is a good start for black women in Europe to realize and showcase their achievements. Yaaya is an initiative that I definitely want my young daughters to know about, and I will be constantly making sure they log into this site!

    Well done on what will be an amazing journey for you, and the women you engage with!

    Let the conversation begin.....

    1. Thank you very much Samuel! We hope that your daughters will be inspired by some of the women we feature, and engage in the conversations we are trying to create. We would definitely like to hear from the younger generation, and how they feel about being black young women in Europe.


  5. You will really go a long way to inspire and motivate black girls and women to be more socially visible. A laudable initiative...just be consistent as you have been.

    1. Efemena,

      Thank you for your encouraging comments! We hope that you will further engage with the conversations we are trying to create.


  6. This is a great initiative! I tried to answer your question on Facebook regarding the naming of iconic black women in Europe and I couldn't name any.

    Hopefully this website can bring to the forefront the achievements of black woman in every single continent.

    1. Thank you very much for your comments!

      You were not the only one who struggled with answering this question. Yaaya seeks to bring to light many black women in Europe from different industries and walks of life, so the next time you are asked, or think about such a question, you will have heaps to say!


  7. An intellectual revolution schemed to revive self-confidence, self-esteem and industry for the emancipation of black femininity and enthronement of excellence and pride among black women...you have my best wishes in this ambitious campaign

    1. Brandengineer,

      Thank you very much for your encouraging comments and support! Yaaya certainly wants to raise the profile of black women in Europe, as well as their aspirations, which naturally addresses issues such as confidence and self esteem.

      We look forward to your input on future discussions!

      Best wishes,

  8. Fantastic initiative Loretta!
    I do have few recommandation:

    • Translation in French could be improved. Please find an alternative translation below:

    Yaaya est une plate-forme d'information dediee aux femmes et aux jeunes filles noires d'Europe en mettant en valeur leurs realisations ainsi que leurs ambitions.
    Yaaya reconnaît que les femmes et jeunes filles d'Europe font face à de serieux obstacles sociaux du fait leur couleurs et de leur sexe; c'est l' hypothèse de la double discrimination. La consequence immediate de ce prejudice est une invisibilité sociale qui se trouve aggrave et renforce par l'absence d'images positives et publiques des personnes de cette categorie. Pour dire les choses simplement, nous pensons qu'en mettant l'accent sur les examples positives des realisations accomplies par des femmes et jeunes filles noires d'europe nous parviendront a inspirer une nouvelle generations de femmes noires a realiser leurs amnitions.
    Notre devise - «Celles qui etaient, celles qui sont et celles qui seront» - représente notre croyance profonde en la capacité des jeunes filles et femmes noires de différentes générations, de differentes cultures et milieux social de servir de modele, d'ambition et d'aspiration dans la vie reelle pour les autres personnes de cette categorie sociale.

    • Data on the website
    You definitely need more stories, pictures, Youtube videos, interview etc… of succesful black women in Europe. On top of my head you have Rama Yade (France), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Netherland) or even Diane Abbott (UK), Baroness Valerie Amos (UK) and Folly Bah Thibault (France - current Al Jazeera Anchor)

    You also need more black women in Business. Even though they are white - Sherryl Sandberg (Facebook) or Marissa Mayer (Yahoo), reading their fight for women may lead to finding few names of European succesful black women in business.

    You need more black women in art/music etc….

    • Competition - you do have few website focusing on same issue - you may want to check and see how you can be different from them

    competition: http://blog.blackwomenineurope.com/

    • Yaa Asantewaa - great example just the fact that she is Ghanean (not European) and symbolize war (man's usual characteristic).

    Europe seems a bit too narrow but the world is too big…. What about succesful women in particular fields (Business, music

    • You should create a tab "about us" where you will introduce yourself and your two partners with short biographies or maybe youtube interviews

    1. Abdoulaye,

      Thank you very much for your encouraging words, and your recommendations too. it's much appreciated.

      You will find in due course that a lot of your recommendations will be acted upon in due course, as we are less than a week old. So pictures, film, and black women from other industries will naturally come soon, so watch this space!

      Unfortunately with the poor translation of text from English to French, this is Google's doing. We certainly do not want to alienate our French readers, and hope that in the future we may have French speakers (and those of other European languages) that can contribute to Yaaya.

      Thank you also very much for bringing to our attention other black women in Europe too. We hope to hear more comments from you on our postings in the future!

      Best wishes,


  9. This is already such an insightful forum and blog already and it has just began. I am always in support of any resource that can brings to light any knowledge that can encourage young black women to move forward and share.


  10. You have shown great initiative in creating 'Yaya'. I look forward to watching its growth and its expansion around the world. This blog has truly filled a gap in blogging media!



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