Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cecile Kyenge, Asserting Her Right To Be

Recently, news on European politics has diverged briefly from the towel dry narrative that is the crisis of the Eurozone, to an unassuming woman, newly appointed to ministerial office in Italy.

If one Googles “Italian Minister of Integration”, the image of Cecile Kyenge will appear on your screen - a 48 year old, Congolese born eye surgeon, now Italy’s first black minister, and one of seven women in the new Italian cabinet.

In a nation that lacks the racial diversity exhibited in other European countries, and possesses an uncomfortable history of fascism, public and political reactions to Ms Kyenge’s appointment did much to perpetuate the unprogressive and “racist” image of Italy. Her new role received a horrific wave of racist, sexist and violent opposition from political parties such as the Northern League and the Italian public alike.

Kyenge’s response to this opposition, however, has been to assert an unapologetic confidence in her identity, stating “I am not coloured, I am black and I say it with pride.” A woman of action as well as words, she is already confronting a culture of casual racism in Italy by proposing a law to enable children born in Italy to immigrant parents (i.e parents who do not have Italian nationality), to gain Italian nationality; dealing a hefty blow to the current concept of nationality derived solely from Italian ancestry.

It is not easy for anyone to work in a hostile environment, or implement changes around sensitive and explosive issues. Anyone who has ever experienced bullying, or occupies a leadership position will tell you this. This is why to us, Cecile Kyenge is a woman to be celebrated. Long before her role as Minister of Integration will have run its course, Kyenge would have left behind her legacy: as a woman confronting racism in a nation that has been her home for the past 30 years, while also asserting her right to be an equal and valued member of Italian society. For us, she is Yaaya.

Image Source | Huffington Post : Cecile Kyenge, First Black Italian Cabinet Member, Defiant In Face Of Racist Remarks.


  1. I must say that she has a bulldog courage and is determined to fight ignorance and racial chauvinism through distinction and hard work...racism is a pandemic and she shows us a practical approach to dealing with this menace...congratulations again!!!

  2. Hi Brandengineer,

    Cecile Kyenge's relentless courage is most admirable. When your character and position is being unfairly challenged because of your race, it takes a strong sense of self to rise above the negativity. Her approach to not dignify such ignorant remarks or be bullied, but instead maintain a pride of her heritage, history and culture is something that we can all be encouraged by and proud of. She is Yaaya.

    Thank you for your comments and for joining the conversation!

  3. Dette er en strålende artikkel, Yaaya. Takk så mye for å skrive om saker av identitet og rase at svarte kvinner i Europa ansiktet. Jeg ser frem til å lese mer artikler på bloggen din!



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