Sunday, June 08, 2014

Role Models: Choice Or Chosen?

"If I have seen further
it is by standing
on the shoulders of

~ Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton could not have better emphasised the importance of role models with this sentence. It unpacks the idea that we can see further on our journey when we can be lifted on the wisdom and experiences of those that have gone before us - ‘those’ referring to people that inspire us to believe our aspirations can be realised. The interesting question is whether one consciously chooses to be a role model, or whether one is (unbeknown to them) chosen.

As far back as history records, people have needed role models, as much as they have needed a sense of identity, a sense of belonging. Role models can inspire us to great heights and encourage us to chase dreams. They give us that “I too can do that!” feeling. When faced with new challenges, unfamiliar situations, they provide the foundational blueprint, a living and/or familiar compass, as it were, to enable us navigate our way forward.

How then are role models created? Do people make a conscious choice to become role models, or are they chosen by the person seeking said compass? If becoming a role model is a conscious choice, does this bring an associated social, moral, and cultural responsibility that the self-elected exemplar must then observe? A responsibility to demonstrate and embody ideals to be emulated by those the role model seeks to inspire or influence?

Or is it in fact, the other way around? Do we as human beings, choose our role models? Do we seek out those whom we identify with, on a socio-cultural level, and adorn them with our expectations? This is particularly true for public figures, from athletes to musicians, politicians to corporate leaders. However, imposing such responsibility on said individual does not always meet with warm acceptance. Cue Rihanna, who has stopped short of signing her utter disinterest in being a role model in blood and ink.

If role models are chosen or self-elected, what are the parameters (if any) of selection or acceptance by us (society)? Whose responsibility is it to educate us into making the right choices? More importantly, who should our role models be?


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